Project Workshop in Palermo, Italy

Christina Ioannou, KMOP and Giulia Tarantino, CESIE welcomed the participants and presented the agenda of the topics to be discussed during the transnational exchange workshop.
Siden efteråret i regionerne med mangesidede megalopoliser i mange udviklingsfunktioner er transporten af luftforurenende stoffer over lange afstande imidlertid blevet et alvorligt problem.
The meeting was attended by relevatn stakeholders and educators who will implement the IntegratEd Educational Support Model in their schools. Stakeholders had a chance to meet with the involved organisations, had the opportunity to present their associations/schools and experience and had the space to offer their guidance and expertise for the next steps of the IntegratEd project.

Following a brief presentation of the project and the national results regarding the inclusion of thirsd country national students in secondary education in Greece (KMOP), Italy (CESIE) and Spain (InteRed), CESIE presented the Educational Support Model. Critically, EPA presented IntegratEd’s the initial version of the policy brief on mainstreaming the educational support model for third country national children, which will be finalised following the results of the implementation of the Educational Support Model.

The school of the future is a learning space for everyone 
The Educational Support Model is a revolutionary approach to inclusive education, aiming to promote intercultural education in schools while at the same time enabling students to maintain their mother tongue and mother culture in the host country. The utlimate goal is to create a process of inclusion where all parties feel equally respected and inlcuded.