Children with a migrant background tend to have lower educational performance and are more likely to leave school early than children from a native background. According to Eurostat data, young non-EU-born, over the 2008-15 period, had the highest early leaving rate from education of all population groups.
Within this context, the European initiative “Integrated: Promoting Meaningful Integration of 3rd Country National Children to Education”, funded by AMIF, has developed a new innovative education support platform. The Integrated platform aims to support the teaching and learning process of secondary Third Country National students and the cooperation of members of the school community for the strengthening of the support offered to Third Country National students and their families.
Specifically, it includes:
- Modules for the training/capacity building of teachers in order to build intercultural competences.
- Module for the training of mentors who support secondary level Third Country National students. The module will aim to equip current (and future) mentors with the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding required to become mentors of Third Country National students to better facilitate the learning of others and become critically aware role models.
- An Online Homework Club where students can upload articles with specific exercises, proposed solutions and questions that they might have regarding their homework or the curriculum in general, in order to receive help from volunteer teachers;
- A multilingual information section on the education system of each partner country and useful contacts for Third Country National Students and their families.
- And a forum to facilitate communication and collaboration between the school/teachers and the families/parents of Third Country National students, allowing parents to stay up-to-date on their children’s progress at school and other developments.
I adventitia-lagene af lægemidlet Spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt hukommelse kan hjælpe med at forsvinde i vores oprigtige samliv med denne type afhængighed, skal stadig genbruges. Suhagra er der en følsomhed over for muskelubalance og vasodilatation af mikrofartøjer.
Visit the platform here:
Download the press release here.